The realization of the sacredness and divinity within, expressed in the oneness of life
Explore Your Potential
The World Institute of Avasthology is a spiritual and educational institute. Established in 1974 and greatly inspired by the Human Potential Movement, we are a non-profit organization offering comfort and space for exploration, transformation, and healing within the Avasthology grounds and on our vibrant online workshop.
Knowledge, passion, and research focuses on assisting people in exploring new ideas around creativity, self-development, body work, spirituality, leadership, and more.
Learn more about our story, mission, and vision!
We will welcome visitors with reservations to attend workshops and enjoy our botanical gardens. This 13.65-acre stretch of Mother Nature boasts idyllic scenery, an organic farm and garden, a serene library, and more.
Awareness Library
The Avasthology Library, or Awareness Library, is presently being structured and built at 11600 Santa Rosa road Santa Rosa Valley, California. The Awareness Library promotes self-discovery through the Library of Humanity, a collection of some of most important books in human history. Some of these great books come from the hard work of our founders Dr. Benito F Reyes. All books will be available for online download or in our library (coming soon).
Avasthology's botanical Gardens is at present being structured and built at 11600 Santa Rosa road Santa Rosa Valley, California. Aptly named The Reflection Gardens, our luscious botanical garden is the perfect place for spiritual restoration and growth. (Coming Soon!)
Money should never stand in the way of human potential. Donor funding allows us at Avasthology to accommodate the healing transformational magic of Avasthology to more easily captivate and reach a diverse community of brains, hearts, and souls.
Join us for lightly structured weekly activities to find nourishment for the body, mind, and spirit. Enjoy open classes led by an Avasthology staff member or a visiting teacher.
Spiritual Healing Services
Change perspective & improve life with the Personal Spiritual Retreats program.
Sunday 10:00am -11:30am Location: Botanical Garden or online
Thought-Provoking Book Club
Conversation starts that will spark interesting debates and deepen understanding of any number of books in the Awareness library
First Sunday of every month at 1pm Location: Awareness Library or online
Mindfulness Meditation
The World Institute of Avasthology offers guided meditations from introduction to advanced. Join us for meditation with one or more of our experienced Avasthology team members.
Monday & Friday 7:30pm Location: Botanical Garden or online
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